Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

Welcome to the online home of best selling authors Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W Michael Gear.

W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear are best selling authors & award winning archaeologists who have published over 90 novels.


Greetings All!

It’s been a busy summer.  Last autumn, when we realized that THE DAWN COUNTRY--published in March of 2011--would be our 50th published novel, we decided to grant ourselves a special holiday. Not every author publishes fifty novels, let alone books requiring the complexity and research that ours do.  Our reward was a cruise that encompassed most of the classic archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. We toured sites beginning with the Cycladian/Minoan civilizations, the Etruscans, Ionian Greek, classical Greek, and the Hellenistic and Roman ruins at Ephesus. 

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Winter 2011 Newsletter

It’s been a cold snowy winter here in northern Wyoming. As we write, the temperature is around zero. The world is soft and still. The red cliffs that surround us are frosted with snow, and each time one of the buffalo exhales, his or her breath hangs in the air like a frozen cloud. One of the best things about winter is that buffalo play a lot when it’s cold. At dawn this morning they were out running across the field, chasing each other, kicking their heels and tossing their heads. We imagine this behavior is shorthand for, “Boy, it feels good to warm up.”

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Fall 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends:

What a summer! June was spent on the road, logging over six thousand miles on the BMW as we rode from Wyoming, through Canada, to Maine, where we attended the Gear Family Association’s tri-annual meeting and gave a presentation on writing about prehistory. From there we rode to Washington D.C. for the American Library Association meeting, then home to Wyoming just in time to catch a plane to New York. Yeah, we know. We had just been there. The tickets, however, were non-refundable.

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July 2010 Newsletter

Hi Everybody!

We hope you’re all having a wonderful summer. It’s been an interesting few months for us.

Firstly, for those of you who’ve been having problems getting PEOPLE OF THE LONGHOUSE—which was just released—at Amazon, we apologize. We’re working with the great people there to get the problem fixed. The book was selling quickly and apparently they couldn’t keep up with the demand and had to backorder some copies. They should be shipping very soon. In the meantime, we know there are many of you who collect the first editions. If you’re afraid Amazon’s delay may result in you’re getting second or third editions, we recommend you go to your local bookstore, Barnes and Noble.com, Borders, Hastings, Books-A-Million, or other places where books are sold. We understand many retailers still have the first edition available.

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October 2009 Newsletter

Dear Readers:

We know that most of you are aware that Coming of the Storm will be published in February of 2010.  The good folks at Pocket Books asked us for a short marketing piece.  Since we have been receiving numerous questions about the new series, we thought you might be interested in a preview.  So, here it is, just like we sent to New York.


Coming of the Storm important because one out of five Americans claims Indian ancestry--from the mythical to full-blood. If you are one of that 20% this novel is about your heritage. But then without the first white guys, the rest of us wouldn’t be here either, so the novel has relevance for all of us.

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Happy New Year to All!

On the personal side, Michael judged the Western Bison Association show and sale on December 3-5 and had a great time with co-judge Bill Rogers.  At the WBA fun auction two autographed advance reading copies of Coming of the Storm brought $1,000 each! How’s that for anticipation?  Thanks to everyone who attended the show and sale, and came to support the organization at the fun auction.

Between January 23-25 Kathleen will be judging buffalo at the National Bison Association’s Gold Trophy Show and Sale, which occurs every year at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. We’re honored that she has been chosen as a judge for the National Bison Association’s ultimate competition. Mike will watch from the sidelines and help at the NBA tent by giving public tours of the buffalo pens.  If you’re in Denver, do stop by. Anyone in the city can give you directions to the stockyards. Tours run from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

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