Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Total Eclipse 2017 at Red Canyon Ranch

(Photo by Emil Hulongbayan)

Hi All,

So, in April of 2024, America will have another total solar eclipse. Don’t miss it. Yesterday in Wyoming was so awesome it’s hard to describe. About ten minutes before the total eclipse the crickets came to life and sang through the eclipse, the temperature dropped twenty degrees, and the shadow bands on the white sheet we’d spread out began to flutter. The shadow waves moved from south to north; it was ethereal. Then, when the totality occurred, we all took off our eclipse glasses–which is the only time you can–and looked at the moon completely covering the sun. The corona of fire around the black disk was unbelievable. Truly. It was unbelievable. Sunset simultaneously occurred on every horizon, west, east, south, north; every cloud turned pink. And the buffalo literally froze in place. They stood absolutely still. It was like looking at a painting of buffalo at night. Pure magic.

When the first sliver of sun broke out of the shadow of the moon again, the shadow bands reappeared on our sheet, but this time they fluttered from north to south–in reverse. It was absolutely stunning.

Wow, what a day.

Kathy and Mike

End of July

Hi All,

It’s been hot here. Well hot for us, in the low 90s. The grass is finally starting to turn a rich summer tan, but all of our springs are still running. The buffalo love these secret water sources hidden in treed drainages around the ranch.

We’re having fun working on PEOPLE OF THE CANYONS, about the Fremont culture–such a fascinating prehistoric people!

On these hot days, keep in mind that the cool temperatures of autumn are just around the corner.

Michael and Kathleen



We just returned from ThrillerFest in New York. This is the finest writers’ conference in America. One of the best parts is just sitting around and catching up with old friends. But THE best part this year was getting the new galley of Mike’s civil war novel, THIS SCORCHED EARTH, which comes out in April of 2018.  Our editor, Claire Eddy, is doing such a beautiful job with this book.  Thanks to everyone at Forge Books for all their hard work.

Hope you are all happy and healthy, and having a wonderful July.


Mike and Kathy

Ah, April in Wyoming…

It’s a snowy day here. We are in the midst of a good old fashioned Wyoming spring blizzard. The wild turkeys are huddled in the trees around the house with their heads tucked beneath their wings in defense. The buffalo, of course, are out frolicking in the meadow. They love this cool spring weather.

Hope you are all happy and healthy today!

Happy April Snow Showers!

More snow last night, and it’s still coming down this morning. If we can just get some warmer nighttime temperatures, the wildflowers should be amazing.

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