Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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THANK YOU for the GREAT new review for FOURTH QUADRANT!

Fourth Quadrant – W. Michael Gear – Wolfpack HC $28.00 – 9781639773015 – 5/2022

This book continues the story begun in Dissolution following the outcome of an international banking collapse and corruption of the entire internet banking system. We are reintroduced to some of the characters from the previous book and meet new ones as well. Here, Lauren Davis, a young woman working in a bank in Colorado Springs is startled to find several million dollars in the account of an elderly woman wishing to withdraw a few hundred from her meager savings. As other tellers begin muttering about obviously incorrect figures appearing on their screens, one of the supervisors quietly approaches her and tells her to pull all her cash out and leave town, quickly. Thus begins her transformation from a normal existence to one of violence and moral ambiguity that challenges her very basis of belief in herself and the world.

As society unravels and people resort to brutality and aggression to either stay alive or profit from the chaos, Lauren speeds north to her home in Wyoming, dodging brigands who take advantage of the lawlessness to murder, rape and rob. When she finally reaches the border and having demonstrated her legitimate claim to be Wyoming girl, she volunteers to use her skills with her motorcycle to become a runner delivering food, water, ammo and whatever else to the border guards, founded once it became clear that everyone in Colorado wanted to escape the conflagration on the Front Range. As a result she becomes embroiled in a life and death struggle that shakes her morals to their foundations. Having been both the victim and the perpetrator of fatal violence, she descends into a hell of self-doubt and depression. She is reunited with a childhood friend, many years estranged and finds salvation of a sort, but no peace.

It is easy to write “this is a page turner you can’t put down” but in this case the phrase is apt. If you don’t get a nervous stomach reading this, afraid every minute about what will happen or not happen, you’re not paying attention. With vivid characters, non-stop action and a philosophical question at the root of all of it, this book delivers on several levels. It has all the greater “punch” because everything is completely believable. The reader does not doubt that all of this could very well happen. We have fallen into a state where we take for granted that our neighbors and others in our society will act, if not totally morally, at least with a modicum of civility, to the extent that we don’t murder each other over food, water and gasoline. When that certainty of safety is removed, the world becomes a frightening and disheartening place. How we deal with it can mean the difference between life and death, and between decency and indecency.

Shelf Talker: The post-apocalyptic outcome of an international banking failure thrusts the world into a violent struggle for existence and brings into question the meaning of what it is to “do the right thing”. Eric Boss for Read The West

LEGENDS BOOKS  https://www.legendsbooks.com

STORYTELLER BOOKS  https://www.storytellerwyo.com





Hi All,

It’s always a sober day in the Gear household when scenarios we predicted in our books show up on the morning news, as has been the case over the past few days with the Russian cyberattacks that shut down Ukrainian banks.

When we were writing DISSOLUTION and FOURTH QUADRANT, we knew it was inevitable, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch the lines of people crowding in front of Ukrainian ATMSs, desperate to take out money before their accounts read zero and their money is gone. Lauren Davis in FOURTH QUADRANT has to watch the same scene take place after the bank she works for suffers a cyberattack. Is America ready for this?

Six or seven years ago when we were working on the original concept for the Wyoming Chronicles series, we had a chance to chat with our wonderful congressional representative, Mike Enzi, about America’s ability to protect our banking system from a cyberattack. He said simply that America was way behind on cybersecurity…and we found those words terrifying.

Given our backgrounds in the collapse of world cultures across thousands of years, we had to write the Wyoming Chronicles series. The problem at the time–and now it’s even more relevant–was that America was so far behind Russia and China, it was clear we were vulnerable.

The question now is whether or not America has lost the opportunity to protect itself.

What do you think?


Mike and Kathy

Very nice review for THE ICE LION!


COMING in June 2021!

Coming in June, 2021!

Hi Everyone!

It always a good day in the Gear house when PUBLISHERS WEEKLY gives one of your books a great review. In this case, they reviewed THE ICE LION (Book 1 of the Rewilding Chronicles) coming out in early June: “With this engrossing series launch, Gear (Cries from the Lost Island) conjures a vivid postapocalyptic world. …This mesmerizing adventure through a world destroyed by climate change is sure to have readers hooked.” You can read the full review here: https://www.publishersweekly.com/9780756415846

Mike has two books coming out in June: DISSOLUTION and ADRIFT (the next book in the Donovan series). PUBLISHERS WEEKLY called DISSOLUTION, “…harrowing…” and said, “Gear (the Donovan series) conjures a frighteningly realistic dystopian future in his Wyoming Chronicles series launch.” No reviews for ADRIFT yet, but we will post when they come in!

We’ve never had individually authored books come out in the same month–let alone three from two different publishers–so this is going to be interesting.

In the meantime, we are hard at work on PEOPLE OF CAHOKIA: LIGHTNING SHELL and THE ICE ORPHAN (Book 3 in the Rewilding Chronicles) and enjoying both books immensely…

We hope springtime has come to your part of the world and you are starting to get outside in the warm weather. It’s been snowing here for the past few days, but we are looking for temperatures in the 60s by the weekend!

Mike and Kathy

Take Aways from the up-coming Kirkus Review of DISSOLUTION!

Love some of the quotes from the review. If you have not pre-ordered DISSOLUTION, you should. Here’s what you have to look forward to: “Gear’s novel teams with well-developed characters of varying backgrounds.” “The story wisely zeros in on Sam’s perspective…” And, “The author enriches the plausible narrative with ties to real-world events like COVID-19 as well as analogies with ancient civilizations collapsing.” Or, how about, “Despite a thorough ending, this engrossing book launches a new series.”

And the conclusion: “An absorbing, realistic dystopian tale with a superb cast.”

DISSOLUTION may be the novel that establishes a whole sub-genre: The apocalyptic Modern Western.

The way we see it, CJ Box and Craig Johnson brought modern Wyoming fiction to the world, and while Joe Pickett and Walt Longmire solve some pretty tricky mysteries, Sam Delgado has to save civilization. And he may have to at the cost of his life!

THE OWEN WISTER AWARD! Who would’ve thought?

Hi All,

It’s been a surprising and wonderful day here in Wyoming. We were just notified that we will be receiving the Owen Wister Award, which is the highest honor a Western writer can receive, and we will be inducted into the Western Writers of America Hall of Fame this summer.

It’s a pleasure and a privilege to be able to tell stories about the frontier and the people who, for over 20,000 years, have lived and died facing its challenges. Thanks to all of you for caring about their stories. We can’t do what we love without readers.


Michael and Kathleen

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