Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Was Sardinia home to the mythical civilization of Atlantis?

AtlantisIn the second millennium B.C. Tyrrhenian civilization was swept away.  Was it an earthquake or a tidal wave?  Maybe something even more spectacularly deadly.   http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/aug/15/bronze-age-sardinia-archaeology-atlantis

Was Sardinia home to the mythical civilization of Atlantis?

AtlantisIn the second millennium B.C. Tyrrhenian civilization was swept away.  Was it an earthquake or a tidal wave?  Maybe something even more spectacularly deadly.   http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/aug/15/bronze-age-sardinia-archaeology-atlantis

The Best Salsa Verde!

We have a friend who’s a chef in Austin, Corey Harris, and in her latest column in BISON REVIEW, she included this great recipe!  We have so been enjoying this! 


1 lb.  tomatillos, husked, cleaned and cut in half

2 jalapeños, whole

1 small onion

2 cloves garlic

4 TBL olive oil

1 bunch cilantro

2 TBL fresh lime juice

Salt and pepper to taste.


Spray the tomatillos, jalapeños, and onion with oil, sprinkle with sea salt, and grill over mesquite chips until just starting to char.  Remove, throw in blender with all the other ingredients, and chop.  We like it a little chunky.   We have so been enjoying this recipe as a condiment for grilled bison tenderloin steaks.  Tastes great on tacos, fajitas, and burritos, as well!



Of course, it’s an optical illusion…right?

Just an interesting article for your week!


Getting the mummification recipe right took practice…

http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/ancient-egyptian-mummies-embalmed-with-unusual-recipes-150807.htmEgyptian mummy 

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