Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Global cooling 12,800 years ago caused by cosmic impact…

Hi All!  Was it a cosmic impact that caused the global cooling period known as the Younger Dryas around 12,800 years ago and decimated Clovis Culture?   Those of you who read CHILDREN OF THE DAWNLAND are already familiar with this fascinating theory.  We used it in the book.  Our child heroes survive, of course!Mastodon   http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150727180224.htm  

Should we start prepping for global cooling?


This is an intriguing take on the future of humanity.  Fred Singer is quite right that global cooling is inevitable.  The earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles.  Just a question of when… http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/07/a_paradigm_change_redirecting_public_concern_from_global_warming_to_global_cooling.html

Mass Grave in California from more than 500 years ago…

The chemistry of the murder victims’ teeth tells us these men were raised in the same region where they were buried, but spent a lot of the lives far away.  When they came home, their people were apparently not happy to see them. Notice that from the positioning of the skeletal remains, the men appear to have been hurled into the grave.  California’s native peoples traditionally went to great effort to properly bury their dead loved ones.

California -- skeletons



Yes, of course, taking a bison Selfie in Yellowstone is a bad idea…sigh.

Well, the fifth Yellowstone tourist this year was attacked because she decided to take a selfie with her six year old daughter in front of a bison.  Really?!  She placed her six-year-old daughter in front of a one ton wild animal?  It boggles the mind…

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/07/23/bison-selfies-are-a-bad-idea-tourist-gored-in-yellowstone-as-another-photo-goes-awry/2014-06-22 15.46.29 

Just a reminder that ISIS is not alone in the destruction of ancient sites…

Dorset petroglyphs

This is an old story, but worth remembering as we watch ancient archaeological sites being destroyed outside of North America.  It happens here, too.  Sadly, a few years ago several Navajo destroyed ancient rock art images of Hopi katchinas.  Religious extremism is found in every culture around the world.


Also,  what it looked like before…  


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