One of the joys of writing is living with imaginary people. Truth is, if the physical world will leave us alone and stop interfering, their reality consumes us. Of course, these imaginary people are the characters in our novels. Sometimes having them in our heads is a delight. Think of Bad Belly in PEOPLE OF THE EARTH. Other times, it can be frightening, as was Gannajero in PEOPLE OF THE LONGHOUSE. Currently we’re living with a host of new and fascinating characters. Some we love, some we hate, and all of them are interesting. People who don’t write fiction–and some who do, but poorly–just don’t understand. They’ll ask, “How do you make all that up?” The answer is: We don’t. The characters actually live the story, create the drama, and all we do is record what they’re doing or telling us. It’s like writing down a slow-motion movie in your mind. They just take over. And, on occasion, we have to censor some of the more outrageous of their remarks or behaviors. You see, the thing about characters is, they don’t care if you the reader believe in them or not! In their eyes, you don’t exist What, you ask, does this all boil down to? Magic. For the foreseeable future, we’ve hopefully minimized the intrusions and interruptions that would jerk us so painfully from that magical place where our characters live. It will be marvelous.