Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Tag Archives: Wyoming

Yes, it’s spring. We have to chain up the trucks to get out.

2014-07-04 14.34.46We love April rain and snow, but it’s turned our road into one long mud wallow.  We have to chain up all fours on the trucks to get in and out these days.  And, truly, we hope it continues.  More rain, please, Katchinas!

Vikings in North America on bestseller lists!


We are so excited that our non-fiction article about Vikings in North America, to be released on April 21st, is already  #6 on the Amazon bestseller list for its category.  Thanks so much, everyone.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TDPZ56M?ref%5F=pd%5Fsim%5Fb%5F2&refRID=1T94B4841YZSBS14571D&pldnSite=1



Sandstone and extinctions

2014-09-17 07.48.41It’s such a pretty day here.  We swear the Chugwater sandstone glows in spring sunlight.  The red color comes from its high iron content.  This particular sandstone dates to around 200 million years ago, right after the Permian extinctions (@250 million years ago) when 90% of all life on earth died.  The Chugwater tells geologists that Mother Earth was working hard to renew herself. 

Almost spring at Red Canyon Ranch, Wyoming


Well, the snow is almost all melted from the canyon ledges, and it’s turned out to be a gorgeous day here.  Almost feels like spring at Red Canyon Ranch.


Red Canyon Ranch, Wyoming

Red Canyon Ranch, Wyoming

The Perfect “Writer’s Bag!”

2014-10-21 13.04.27

We just found the perfect “writer’s bag.”  It holds an Ipad, a book, and a good chunk of manuscript.  It’s made of buffalo leather and superbly designed by Merlin’s Hideout in Thermopolis, Wyoming.  Not only that, the shoulder strap is wide and sturdy, so it distributes the weight better, and doesn’t feel heavy.  (which Kathy really appreciates) We love this store. Everything is handmade from top quality leather.  We’ll be carrying our Writer’s Bag on the next trip stuffed with the first 250 pages of the Book II in the People of the Morning Star series. 

Hope all is well in your world.  It’s starting to feel like autumn here, with temperatures in the mid-thirties at night, but lovely 70 degree days. 

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