Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Monthly Archives: February 2014

Pinyon jay poetry

We feed the birds every morning, especially when it’s bitterly cold, and this morning was such a joy! Female pinyon jays have a distinctive trill they use to call their mates, and this morning the air was filled with the most melodic and beautiful trilling! They’re very musical birds…


Hi All, It was -16 degrees this morning when the power went out. Took four hours for the power company to turn it back on. We were fine. We built fires in the wood stoves, cooked breakfast in a cast iron skillet on the big stove in the living room, made a pot of New Mexico pinon coffee, and read. But we worried about all the people–especially the elderly–who only have electric heaters. Hope you are warm! Mike and Kathy

Groundhog Day!

We can’t believe it’s Groundhog Day already. We hope Pete walks out into brilliant sunshine, because we’re really tired of the cold and snow. The weather-guessers say we’re supposed to have sub-zero temperatures for most of the week. Boy, we are yearning for spring. Big time. I actually got out my seed packets (tomatoes, jalapenos, squash) yesterday just to look at them and imagine what it’s going to be like when I get to plant the garden…in May. Maybe. If I’m really lucky and it doesn’t snow for the entire month. On the other hand, if it snows the entire month the buffalo will be ecstatic, because spring snows mean lush summer grass. Here’s to dreams of spring wildflowers! Happy Groundhog Day. Kathy


We have just received the cover for COPPER FALCON a novella, or short novel, that will give readers an introduction, or prequel, to PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR. In the story, the exiled Flint Knife Mankiller and his father Red Mask–distant Copper Falcon town’s high chief–have returned to Cahokia in search of warriors to help them repel raiding barbarians. To Flint Knife’s dismay, the great city is fraught with political intrigue and betrayal. When Red Mask is arrested, Flint Knife must trust his fate and future to a foot-loose thief. In the end, he must gamble the COPPER FALCON, a priceless family heirloom, against his father’s life. COPPER FALCON is available for pre-order now, and will be released in March through Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Sony and all the usual ereaders. We hope you enjoy this introduction to Cahokia and get a different view of some of the characters you will meet in PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR when it’s released in May. Read in health!

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