2016-08-27 14.37.33  

Autumn in northern Wyoming is so peaceful. It’s a beautiful cool morning here, 46 degrees. Our chestnuts and aspens started to turn color a few days ago and are now shading red and gold. The buffalo love this time of year, as well. The biting flies begin to disappear, and the calves are big enough–300-400 pounds now–that they can pretty much take care of themselves against the mountain lions, wolves, and occasional bear that comes through.  We love this time of year.

Thanks to everyone who wrote to say how much they like the new PEOPLE OF THE SONGTRAIL cover and style.  We agree.  We’re really delighted with the new look.   And it was so much fun to write about early Vikings in North America.

SUN BORN, The second book in the PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR series, is due to be released in about a month.  We really hope you enjoy it.  Cahokia at it’s peak was truly an amazing city. 

We wish you all a happy and serene Autumn.

Mike and Kathy