Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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Tag Archives: elk

A snowy April day in Wyoming

2016-12-11 10.49.03We woke this morning to find four inches of fresh snow covering the red cliffs, and forty-nine elk standing on the mountain slope in front of the house. We made coffee and sat in front of the window to watch them peacefully graze down the mountain to the creek below.  As we did, we could hear the buffalo calling to each other in the meadow.  They love cool spring mornings best of all.  There’s new green grass, but no biting flies yet.

Perfection is made of April mornings like this…

Hope you have a peaceful and perfect day!

Mike and Kathy

Yellowstone #bison and #brucellosis…should they be released on public lands across the West?

Brucellosis spinesWonder why so many people are concerned with the Dept. of Interior’s plan to release Yellowstone bison to freely roam the public lands across the western United States?  Even if they release bison without brucellosis (and 40% of bison cows in Yellowstone test positive for brucellosis) the disease is now endemic in the elk population, and many bison, including those in Yellowstone, will contract the disease from elk.  Bison on ranches are vaccinated for this disease.  However, there is no plan to vaccinate these wild bison, or to care for them if they become sick.  If people are eventually allowed to hunt these wild bison, and eat their meat, here’s why you should care:  


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