Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W Michael Gear

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No Place to Hide is an interesting book

Edward Snowden is an enigmatic figure, especially given the torrent of conflicting media coverage we’ve all experienced in the past year, but Greenwald’s new book–No Place to Hide–does little to clear up the ‘enigma’ part. Presumably, Snowden did not want his early life explored in this book, but that makes readers wonder why. What doesn’t he want us to know? If you’re on the Traitor side of the debate, you’re saying, “Well, he was probably an untrustworthy little twit growing up.” If you’re on the Hero side of the debate, you’re asking, “What happened to him as a child that would make him risk his very life to reveal Top Secret information to the world?” And believe me, after you read this book, you will be convinced he was risking his life. The things the U.S. government can do, and is doing, are frightening in the extreme. And moral questions abound. For example, imagine yourself sitting before a computer screen watching, in real time, a U.S. drone as it monitors the person it might kill, and you can stare into the eyes of the man’s three children, ages three, eight, and ten, smiling beside him, and you know the children are going to die, too…how do you feel? What’s the status of your “utilitarian ethics?” Is the greatest good for the greatest number the correct path? Is it the only path? Let us know your thoughts.

Deprivation Theory, Pakistan and Tunisia.

Some interesting facts we, and maybe America, need to think more about. The statistics below come from the Asia Society, Brookings Institute, and from a survey conducted by the British Council last year: In Pakistan, 60% of the population is under 30. However, 50% of school age children, aged 6-16, cannot read or write, and 39% do not attend school at all (Asia Society). 94% of Pakistanis between the ages of 18-29 think their country is headed in the wrong direction, but only 29% believe democracy will be good for their country. Military rule and sharia law both come in ahead of democracy (British Council survey conducted before the Pakistani election last year). Only 10% of Pakistanis ages 18-29 hold stable employment (British Council survey). Here’s the anthropological overview of those statistics: No education + No work = Violence. This is called Deprivation Theory. Simply put, when the young cannot understand what’s happening around them because they don’t have access to information (they can’t read), and they cannot get a job to support their families, the young become disillusioned and will resort to any means necessary to survive. Sometimes that involves “Revitalization Movements.” For example, last year a cricket champion named Imran Khan became the hero of young people in Pakistan when he ran for national election on a platform of anti-corruption and change that galvanized thousands of students and young professionals. Khan, however, lost to two-time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The opposite of a Revitalization Movement is a Nativistic Movement, which is characterized by a desire to return to a “Golden Past,” a time seen as much better than today, a time of near perfection. For example, in Madrasas, religious schools, rather than learning to read and write, 8 year old Pakistani children spend four hours a day engaged in the same educational regimen that was being taught 1,300 years ago–memorizing the Quran. We’re not saying this is either good or bad, only that it represents a Nativistic Movement, a powerful belief that salvation, in every form–economic, social, spiritual–resides in the past. Despite media propaganda, this is not a “Muslim problem.” It’s a Human Problem. That’s what Deprivation Theory is about. Regardless of religion, desperation fuels disillusionment. Disillusionment fuels the search for a better way. The Better Way, as seen through desperate eyes, is perceived as attainable only through the use of extreme measures. Some look to the past for answers. Others look to the future. Not all Muslim countries are engaged in Nativistic Movements that look to the past. Tunisia, for example, has been engaged in a world-changing Revitalization Movement. Three years ago a young street vendor set himself on fire to protest government harassment and corruption, and it set off what we all know now as the “Arab Spring.” Tunisia is dedicated to establishing a democratic state. This isn’t going to be easy for them. First they must dismantle the governmental structure of the old dictatorship, and create democratic alternatives. They’ve already started the process, holding elections, reforming the Constitution, decentralizing the government to empower regional governors. What’s the difference between Pakistan and Tunisia. Well, a lot of things, but maybe most important? 90% of Tunisians, both male and female, can read and write, which means they can understand what’s happening in the world and see a path forward. They are not condemned to just looking backward for answers. Nativistic movements and revitalization movements are neither inherently good nor evil. They are just the ways human beings try to deal with poverty, pain, and fear. But, without a doubt, the most radical weapon ever invented by human beings to fight these things is literacy. Do you think we’re wrong?

May 31–Cahokia Lecture!

If you are going to join us at Cahokia for a tour of the archaeology, a lecture about the writing of PEOPLE OF THE MORNING STAR, and the following book signing, be aware that we will lead a short walk down to Mound 72, leaving the Cahokia Mounds State Park Museum at 1:00 with the lecture starting in the Theater at 2:00. We will have to take a small break at 1:30 for a television interview. Hope to see everyone from the St. Louis area at Chokia Mounds on Saturday the 31st. Access to the site is at exit 6 off the I-55/70 freeway just east of downtown.

Rain at Red Canyon Ranch

Rained here last night. The air this afternoon is just crystal clear and fragrant with the mixed scents of wildflowers, lilacs, and the tang of juniper. 1.jpg

Who were the earliest Americans?

Archaeologists are sifting through the avalanche of new data about the first peoples in the Americas. Here’s a great example of one of the latest discoveries. http://news.yahoo.com/ancient-skeleton-shedding-light-first-americans-181106043.html

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